Saturday 10 March 2012

Maximum space utilization for small place!

Decorating a small space like a small flat or a studio flat is tricky task.How to make the most out of it, utilize the maximum space without disturbing interior ethics are some of the few aspects of it.
Here I am sharing some useful tips.

 Utility Furniture

Keep furnitures with maximum drawers, small cupboards , shelves etc.This will utilize a small place well and also  giving  lot of storage.
Multi Functional Furniture
Try to keep furniture which has various uses like breakfast table cum ironing table cum kitchen counter , dinning table cum office table, sofa cum beds etc. This acquires less space and give different uses.Apt for studio apartments.
Use of light hues
Color in interiors is very important. Right color selection means 50% job done.In compact spaces dark shades should never be used and even if using any dark shade , than it  should only be restricted  to one wall or one furniture piece.
 Use of light / pastel hues makes the appearance of space bigger and cleaner.Light color on walls is soothing and pleasant to the eyes.
 No heavy furniture
  Most common mistake done by lot of people is that they buy heavy upholstered furniture.In a small space if , you are  keeping a heavy fabric upholstered  sofa than centre table , dinning table should  be sleek and light. Furniture polish also make a huge difference.A dark walnut Almirah and a light beige colored almirah can make or break the look of a small room.
The most important part of interior design.Flow of light should  be continuous ( doesn't break in between) a dark , dull room makes a person falls sick and a room with natural lighting , ventilation is healthy foR body , mind and soul.If windowws can't be placed than at least lighting fixtures should be placed in a way, that they create illusion of natural lighting.
As told earlier color is the main part of any place's interior. Be it paint on walls , furnishings even accessories , right color selection plays a significant role.Lighter hues for small and compact places are always advisable.
Only one heavy furniture in each room is advised in small apartments.Too much furniture pieces is a taboo! Only keep what is required.
Add Hooks!
Hooks to hang anything is a staple in a studio flat.Place them on walls , behind doors , inside cupboards,they are very useful.Hang anything and everything!
Prefer using furniture with curves than straight edges , it creates space and good perspectives.
Placing mirrors on wall creates the illusion of a bigger space.people specially use them in living areas.Very useful for small space.
Be Organised!
Never throw  your suff randomly everywhere.Whenever get time , try to organise your cupboards, shelves , racks etc. litter in-house creates negativity.
P.S- Images are taken from google search.
Few useful links-

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