Hey people , thanks always for reading my blog.I must introduce our sister concern INDIABYCRAFT to all of you. Ibc is a dream project for us.We are giving all the hard working , poor and talented handicraft artisans of India a well deserved space on our shopping portal www.indiabycraft.com.
Our NGO SEED (SOCIETY FOR ENHANCING ETHICAL DEMANDS) is continuously working with many artisans from the last three year.Now we are providing a platform for all the unheard arts and its artisans to sell their products globally.
Our in house design team is continuously working to create new , contemporary and utility focus designs by mixing our age old handicraft techniques and modern designs.
The Interioz has a dedicated home decor section on the portal from where one can buy home decor items sourced / manufactured from all over the world.Our wall decals are now available on sale at www.indiabycraft.com.
Please visit the site and enjoy shopping for a cause.